it's a comin'

December 19, 2008 candacemorris 3 Comments

dears, i can hardly believe my own procrastination in regards to my annual christmas card.
for some reason, we got our tree later than usual.
for some reason, it took us like 1.3 nights to decorate it.
for some reason, all dress up occasions (holiday parties, etc) were gone to economic shit.

but finally. the christmas jollies aligned and we had an event to attend that required festive attire. and boy what an event it was!
a group of us braved 6 inches of snow, which turned into 2 inches of compacted ice, and walked 1 mile downtown to see
The Burlesque Nutcracker!

Oh what a joy it was! Hilarius, bawdy, tasteful, boozy, engaging, and incredibly beautiful.
It's refreshing to see normal women's figures displayed with great beuty, poise, respect, and pasties.(i even bought a pasty ornament for my tree!)
how lude.

anyway, i have been working all day editing batches of pictures and writing a small blurb, but i hope to get them in the mail before new year's at least!

happy christmas week.
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    jordan said...

    look how cute you both are. this compilation will make a wicked xmas card.

    UmberDove said...

    Aaaawwwwwwww, SWEETNESS!

    See what a great mood a fabulous burlesque show can put you in? I love the little sepia snap, sooooo smriky and cute.

    she said...

    oh, you two.