weird, mindless, and random entertainment.

October 22, 2008 candacemorris 6 Comments

I could survive for 57 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor

Created by Bunk Beds Pedia

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BC said...

I'm at 1min 16 seconds. I think it was when the Raptor took one of my arms and I tried to put the choke hold on it that bought me a few extra seconds.

Chris said...

1 minute and 22 seconds! :D

1 minute and 35 seconds.

I really wish there was the option of attempting to bite the raptor, at least then I could die with a proper sense of irony.

On a similar note, Dreams I would like to accomplish before dying:

Punch a whale.

Beat the shit out of a bear.

Bite a shark to death.

Sadley, the closest I have come to any of these things is eating a shark steak. Someday, all my dreams will come true. . .

Wudrokpapur said...

I killed it and am now roasting it on the coors fire pit.

hey men.
thanks for the testoserone on my blog.

apparently, in order to get male readers - i must include either velocirapters, bunk beds, or contests.

BC said...

Mme- this is an older link but still on the same lines:

My score was 29. ;)