passing time and recovery

October 03, 2008 candacemorris 5 Comments

although it is friday,
(which heretofore has been my "day off,")
i have decided to make up some hours and work.

though i have done nothing worthy of payment.
other than looking fabulous at the front desk,
answering 1 phone call,
organizing my inbox into 3-ring binders,
and collecting the postal mail and papers full of news.

however, i have composed THIS blog today.
and i made sure it took me good and long.


though i am always a proponent for a big, hard cry,
i admit. i don't believe it today.

i am turning me off.
retreating to safety,
shrinking to a manageable size.

i am difficult, say i. (but never BORING, says he.)
i have wounds coursing through my veins
blasting my extremities with a quickening, startling shock.

despite all saints being restored to their
former corners,
an empassioned handshake marking for both the end of the match,
recovery seems out of sight.
sight blinded by swelling.

and i am tired.

bubba, let's go back to this night.
midnight in the true garden
of good and evil.
~a truly sorry me.

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she said...

comrade everwise & everdear,

the fact that you are you
is worthy of highest payment.
i would pay an exorbitant sum of money to be with you right now. perchance one day we shall be gainfully and happily employed by notres artistes, as i daydreamed this week. that day will be one whereupon we shall treat ourselves to an expensive lunch. on the clock. hee hee.

a friend and i say, "retreat to the bunker!" when we need to. and we do. and while you are in there i shall be out here, posted at the door, protecting your solitude and time of recovery. for love always protects, always hopes, always perseveres. love sees what is and thinks the best of it. love is patient and kind, love holds out for its object. love allows space.

love is me. for you.
-she, pocahontas.

"posted at the door."

stop stabbing my tears, newest friend and dear, dear sheling.

...also on sentry.
The Plume.

In a stiff red serge avec chapeau and not one passerby can make me smile. No not one. This is serious business, the guarding of The Bookling. Pocahontas and I make an excellent team. Fear not. Close your eyes. Fold your heart.

J(ohn)illian (Smith):::::Of the British Colonials freshly landed.

you must be the most uniquely funny little lady in the world.

thank you.
i feel guarded.
and almost restored...

she said...

oh yes this security detail of yours is something to be reckoned with.

if you hear us giggling or shrieking, it is NOT to say we are not serious about our duty.

we just can't help ourselves.

our services are at your...service nonetheless.
