
May 30, 2008 candacemorris 3 Comments

I am rather anticipatory of this break from work over the next three nights and two day (aka: weekend).

For the following reasons:

Tonight is Candace’s deposit of alone time for the weekend because Joelio is out of town for the night. So I am thinking of all the million ways I could spend it, and there just isn’t enough time. Here are my plans perhaps:

  1. Chiropractor
  2. Drop off dress for dry cleaning (for wedding next weekend)
  3. Home to change and then jump in car, go to Greenlake and run/walk the 3 mile trail (must charge ipod)
  4. Pho for dinner (take back to house)
  5. Eat on porch and sip some sunset
  6. Laze back into apartment, and NEST:
    ~Put away trinkets (All these chores )will be fun because Madonna (circa 1985-1998) will be pounding in the house and I will be jumping around like an 80’s crazed maniac (ever seen the movie with Sarah Jessica Parker called “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?”) This, of course, depends on how much I actually ran around said trail.

    ~Balance checkbook
    ~Peruse the internet for god knows what
    ~Make menu and shopping list for Ladies Night #2 (Sex in the City, here we come!)
  7. Perhaps watch one of the 10 movies I need to watch in order to return to library and not get fines!

Saturday will be another morning of alone-loveliness – and I will leisurely sip some coffee, walk to whole foods (this will be a feat, and I sincerely doubt I will do it – it’s ALL uphill on the way back – and torturous).

Saturday afternoon will be the debut of my Salad Nicoise to my ladies, a delightfully chic new (vintage) dress, the fabulous movie salaciousness of SITC, and then back to my place for sweets, drinks, and laughter.

Sunday will be a trip to the farmer’s market in am (for fresh flowers and other goodies), a meeting for Julie’s wedding, and an IKEA trip for my living room lamps, two sets of track lighting, and pricing for other things.

Also, did I mention that I get off early on Fridays b/w Memorial Day and Labor Day – so we close at 3pm. This exults me greatly and ALMOST makes me forget that this is the first day in 10 w/o coffee.

So this blog was soo about my weekend lists. Deal with it.

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UmberDove said...

BEautiful!! And you can totally make that walk back from Whole Foods - there are really only two brutal blocks, the rest is a stroll in the park (which is what I will tell you even thought it might be *slightly* untrue).

is it like that time my sister told me the hill on splash mountain was no big deal and then i cried afterwards?! yeah. thinking so.

i need a segway.

Erin Morris said...

Ok first of all, never buy a segway. It is by far the lamest form of transportation ever invented. Secondly, what dress are you wearing to the wedding? Seeing as that it is too late to purchase one online at this point, I'm going to have to go with one that I already own (boo). I'm not sure which one though. Give me some advice, please!