Just another night in the city...

August 03, 2009 candacemorris 3 Comments

Some idiot tripped the alarm in our building, and only the Seattle Fire Department can turn it off. Basically, it turned into a meet and greet for the neighbors...I almost whipped up a batch of mojitos, but since I don't whip up a batch of anything (accept maybe cynicism disguised as sarcastic wit), I didn't do it.

Things I learned from tonight:
  1. I am alarmingly UNPREPARED for a fire.
  2. Get a cat-carrier.
  3. Response time in Seattle is awesome.
  4. People are not smart.
  5. I have a nice neighbor named Amy.

Though tonight's festivities fed on the idiocies of others, it still does not top the faux-hostage fiasco in my building only last month. A few actors were filming a fight-scene with real guns, and they wondered why the Seattle Police Department demanded they come out of their apartment with their hands up. Thesbians, thy name is "not very smart."

In other news, Joelio crafted this little kitty door to put in the bedroom so that we could benefit from the crossbreeze but still maintain a cat-urine free bed.

Octavia is not amused.

Well, off to hard-boil some eggs and read myself to sleep,

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jordan said...

is she STILL peeing on your bed?! oh dear...

Leiflet said...

I remember someone at Simpson triggering the fire alarm, the NIGHT of our last final. Just when we thought we were in the clear, off goes the alarm.

"......cat urine free bed..."