thunderbolts and lightening

July 03, 2008 candacemorris 3 Comments

is there anything more magical and wonderful than a mid-summer lightening storm? last night, in the warmth of my beloved Seattle, some roaring lightening came out to play - proceeded by a dump of the most delicious warm rain. it entombed my apartment lovingly and was the perfect punctuation mark to a rather light-hearted and productive evening.

i made dinner, complete with protein, veggie, salad, and potatoes. (do you sit to meals? quite often joel and i sit to meals, and it's just so divine). i then did all the dishes (did you know it's poor fung shui for your kitchen to have dirty dishes overnight? which just means those dirty dishes are blocking creative flow in your kitchen - and i need all the creative flow i can get) and got an itch to make a cobbler because we had some lovely strawberries from the farmer's market that were very very very ripe and almost beyond our lips' enjoyment.

so i threw together an apple and strawberry crisp - and since it was the first time i have baked in the apartment, i realized that my baking arrangement simply was not working for spent some time rearranging. i then moved into the living room and put away our laundry and just was the most amazing housewife last night. (there is nothing like cleaning while you spell (i mean smell, hahaaa) baked goods).

i finally sat down and joel and i watched Adventures in Babysitting - and dudes, i love this movie. (did you know Vincent D'onofrio is in this?!)

then i cleaned the kitchen once again and made joel and i some sandwiches for lunch. i do not remember a time where i have made a lunch the night before, so i just went to bed feeling quite you know, if there is ONE thing, just ONE thing that i know i could be so stellar at - it's housewifing. if only, if only.

i get off work today at noon, and so a four-hour work day feels just obscenely wicked. so i am flying from tree to tree today - perky in my white dress - and i feel good to be perched atop this weeping willow.

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Melissa said...

I have just put that on my netflix queue. It's been ages since I last saw it (I remember loving it) and after mentioning it to John we realize he has NEVER seen it! I love bridging the gap of our culturally different American and British childhoods.

april said...

of course! Anthony and I figured that out a long time ago and got a good laugh out of it. Thor! I have to admit though I am not the biggest fan of him in Law and Order Criminal Intent. He does better at Edgar in Men In Black.
But I do love Adventures in Babysitting. I own it!

val said...

There are basically two kinds of people in the world - those who say, "Who is Vincent, sorry, what was the name again?", and those who say, "Of course I know he's in it, I have it in every conceivable format several times. I have only ever watched Vincent's 5 minutes, adn I have a collection of stills taken from that tiny segment."

Guess which category I'm in :)