The Installation of "Djenne"
Many moons ago, Joel and I bought a painting from one of our dearest friends and quite talented oil painter, Jeremy. "Djenne" has been hanging in art walks across Seattle since then, and I have been scrambling to find a wall big enough to contain her massiveness. As of last night, my bookshelves occupied the only wall that could hold the painting. We decided to move them to my little studio and make way for "Djenne."
A shot of my wall with the bookshelves as they used to stand.
Last night, "Djenne" finally came home. In fact, it was delivered and installed by the artist himself! Such service. (There may have been a Paseo's sandwich in it for him).

A shot of Jer and Joel installing the painting.
My books and beloved vignettes, newly piled and homeless.
Isn't she a beaut?
It totally changes the feel of the room - it's lighter, less anchored, less womb-like. I am looking forward to sharing breath, to coexisting, to living together and bonding.
As for my poor, neglected books, they will find new places this weekend.
After I swoon over each one and fondle and sniff their pages, of course.
It's going to be good.
So to you, Djenne, I say,
Bienvenue a la maison.
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