March 09, 2010 candacemorris 7 Comments

it took:
two of these
1 chimichanga
1 enchilada
1 billion tortilla chips
2 bowls of salsa
4 hugs from the saint
2 fits of really sad sobbing tears (like my puppy had died or something)
1 viewing of "Death of a Salesmen"
1 scorcher of a bath
to find any solace after I took her to the airport.

And now there are two of my hearts on the outside of my body.
Beating wildly in San Diego.


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Cassie said...

ohh...my heart aches for your longing.

She is pure sweetness.

Whit said...

I sat on the plane and let the tears fall. I sit here and they visit my eyes again; splashing wildly on my cheeks, pooling in my clavicle, and finally drowning my secret soul. I miss you.

oh dear...your poor heart! Prayers for solace until you meet up again!

Good for you. Mine would have been more drinking and crying. No food.

so sad for you, candi. hopefully you have a trip already planned to see each other again? i do hope to see more pics of Clara...

Unknown said...

Poor Candy. Glad the Saint is near. My heart resonates with your sadness when I think of all the loved ones that have moved away from me... Thank you for sharing your pain

Allisunny S. said...

When my sister and I say goodbye to each other at airports, there is always one of us running back in tears to say goodbye to the other one again.
I am the little sister.
She is my world, my heart and only one who can make me laugh when I am premenstrual and drunk on rage-a-hol.
You guys must be the awesomest together.
So much huge affection,