a few moments of grace

Things are progressing around here.
Funny how life keeps moving, how babies still need to be fed,
bulldogs still growl at you to play,
and sisters still make you pee your pants with laughter.
It seems we are standing still on a merry-go-round,
sweaty from playing too hard on this playground called love.
I spend my hours here reading books about raising children,
planning ways to sneak food down my sister's throat,
making homemade ice cream,
reading your letters
(each one has made me cry),
taking pictures,
helping carry things,
opening packages,
(thank you UMBIE)
walking walks,
sipping gins,
gathering data,
sitting on the couch for the best seat in the house to watch a woman rise from the ashes,
and finding that even the worst nightmares are strangely livable.
It's amazing what we can do when we have to.
But it still really friggen sucks.
The end.
"It's amazing what we can do when we have to. But it still really friggen sucks." ...Amen.Thank God for friends & family!
The close up on Clara is the best one yet. I love wet lashes!
Love to you 3.
My heart is so full for you all. Your note meant the world- I'm thinking of you and hugging you hard from over here.
Hang tight.
You suffer well my dear, quite beautifully I may add, and the sister too. This too shall pass and it sucks, but it is some of the most cherished and remembered times. Turmoil blows...gin and wine rule. Luckily there is still plenty of of booze when you need it :)
xoxo Biz
ps. does Bulldog slobber?
ps your sister is drop dead painfully gorgeous. so's the bambino ;)
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