Sometimes I feel like the most distracting thing to reading and writing (what I wanted to do with my day) is the internet. There is just so much beauty stealing my eye-ball time.
Distraction number one: Per my DailyCandy email, I found this center available in Fremont called the Fremont Abbey Arts Center. This place is so gorgeous. Not only would it be PERFECT for the catholicbeer brewery, but it makes me want to get married all over again. Wadda say, Mr. Morris?
Distraction number two: Anthropologie. Namely these!

And contrary to popular complaint on this here blog, I would like you all to know that where I live is beyond flipping awesome. It's heartrendingly romantic, bucolic, and oh so silent. My evenings are filled with port and staring at the saint as he builds me a fire. Though I am craving some honest hard work, I cannot by any means complain.
That being said! I would like to complain! One of the things about this here particular region of Washington is the wind storms that gust their way in with Fall. Many people lose their homes, if not power for weeks at a time. Well, last night we fell asleep to some serious eerie blundering and awoke to a power outage. Joel built up a fire so we could at least stay warm, but as soon as I realized we would have no water (pump runs on electricity), and that I couldn't cook, I started to feel very CROSS indeed about being a country-girl today.
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I searched out our stash of tuques (the best country-girl way to cover up bed-head) and hopped on over to my parent's house (in my dad's truck) for coffee, shower, food, and internet. I fancied that I could stick it out, bundle up, and read all day. This would have been fine, but I am not resourceful enough to cook with no power and drink with no water (could I substitute my daily water regimen for gin instead? I am SURE that's a country-ism).
Make no mistake...I am NO trooper. I do not see survival situations as fun. I am a Victorian with a need for daily showers and hot tea with scones and jam...and the internet.
But then the gods saw fit to bless me. Last year, I purchased a hound-sooth coat from a totally slutty store on Broadway, but I didn't realize until I got it home that it smelled like the burned flesh of a Chinese immigrant in a sweatshop. gross. I tried everything to get the smell out of this coat...clothesline, dry cleaning, etc. I finally gave up and left it hanging in my closet. Just today, I went in search of a coat and decided to smell the coat one last time before I took it to goodwill. WHAT JOY IS MINE!! It smelled normal. I wore it. I forgive the universe for powering me down and depriving me of food and water.
Poor me, I have to be here all day:
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More on October's Challenge and daily photos here:
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Quite Properly Yours,
Your post reminds me...what ever happened to Domino magazine. I loved reading that but haven't seen it in a while.
Conde Nast canceled DOMINO! I loved it too...
No power??? Oh my, what are we getting into? I was researching generators today just because. If the power goes out we are coming over and we can play cards by candle light. We'll bring plenty of water and we can heat it on your wood stove.
Wait, wait, wait.
A) You're identifying yourself as a country-girl? I am hiding incredulous giggles. You must mean in the English-countryside version of country. Because those of us who actually were from small towns or have lived in the country couldn't tell you what the heck a touque is.
B) Burnt flesh of a Chinese sweathop worker...? Is this coat made in China, or are you harboring some deep hatred of Asians?
C) You're funny. I would love to see the Renton Redux crew. Miss you both!
i love the set of your mouth in the driving picture. i don't know why. seems ghetto, grumpy, and determined. i love that coat. that picture of you across the surface of the water...oh.
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