we're all on this journey, too...of finding the real inner you.

April 30, 2008 candacemorris 1 Comments

i have to c o n f e s s something.

so far two of my tag lines have been completely and utterly stolen from my new album obsession.

perhaps someone can guess??? i realize those who don't know me will find this an unfair game...so i will just tell you. okay, you twisted my arm for a hint. see picture.

now, i have been told my at least one admirer that i have some resemblances to this lovely woman. oh golly, if only i could be soo lucky to embrace myself the way this woman does - also, god bless a woman with legs like that. perhaps god in all his justice will see fit to change my entire body type?

strangely enough, this was not going to be what my post was on at all...and now i am struggling to remember...


blessings on this wednesday, and i leave you with
and - when will i have time to refill my liqour cabinent and wine cellar? it's tragically empty. and my souls, that is no way to live.

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UmberDove said...

So now I'm counting on a near daily fix. I read this post when you wrote it a couple days ago, and now have checked back for the next one like, uhm, every 6 hours or so. Your words are wonderful and I will miss them while I'm gallivanting in the sunshine these next two weeks.