I realize this is going to sound contradictory to my previous post about letting oneself get bored as good self-care, but I have to tell you.
This week I've been
(and not in a good way).
The kind of boredom that sits on the corner of your eyes and tells you that everything, everywhere is uninspired and no one, nowhere is doing anything special and all life, all kinds are moving only sluggishly along their mundane tasks.
There's a kind of aching in my bones, a something stirring
born of fire and blood
and yet something else holding it all back.
I can't help but feel that is ME getting in the way of it. If I could just step aside and let things take their course. This is what happens to me when someone tells me NOT to be carefree and run wild.
I can do anything BUT obsess, be worried, and tie stone weights to my feet.
It's quite confusing.
One minute I want to run naked through the streets, do something drastic to break this dam,
and in the next breath I loose my willpower to do anything but watch 10 hours of stupid television.
I was born for something more.
I've certainly had my fill of solitude this week. Joel had to work every night this week, and while I was originally really looking forward to it and used that time wisely and soulfully, by Wednesday night - I was going mad. I realize several of my lovely friends are without their husbands this week, or even month, or even summer. My hat goes off to you!
When he was home, we were both exhausted emotionally (me from my brain and he from other people's brains) that there was little else to do but fall into bed.
You know how most people (correction: I assume this is how most people operate) would stop in a moment of madness and exclaim to themselves, "I need to call a friend!" Or perhaps, "I need to get the hell out of here and do something with someone!" I am really challenged in this area because I get so greedy with solitude so much so that even if it is plaguing and branding my soul, I remain stubbornly determined to be alone. I needed anything but being alone, but it wasn't until late Wednesday night that I recognized it and promptly invited myself over to Jess's. My self is being all kinds of weird to myself lately.
I'm just gonna roll with it.
I tell you what. I am going to grill up a nice béarnaise-covered filet mignon, open a bottle of spicy Italian wine, and spoil that man for working so hard. That will help us both.
Separate feels strained. Time to bring those ties back to home.
Bring love back to you this weekend,

You express yourself quite beautifully..I could perhaps comment paragraph by paragraph but why? who am I to comment...enjoy the steak and the stuff...enjoy the solitude and the company...I do believe you were made for more..I am pretty sure of it just looking at you from way out here not really knowing you even...happy the new do and the banner look very nice indeed ; )
I couldn't have written this better if I tried - I very very much get this feeling and being you are in. I look forward to when Dan works late for my own quiet time, but then I often feel a little lost after the 7th day of conflicting schedules and only see each other when when one is asleep.
Julie and I have had a number of weeks that seemed like we always had opposite schedules and we didn't have the time/energy to connect. Right now we're around each other 24/7 and it's hard to disconnect (although we both really need it for our sanity!). You may not believe it, but I read so much optimism in your musings. Love the new layout, by the way. You cheeky broad. -Brother
being away from the Schmill this week I understand.
I am in the bosom of my parent's home, being fed watermelon and cucumber and such.
I cannot wait to see what lies beyond this burning door you now face - your gifts are many.
Ah yes.
Ah yes.
Well, you know I know what some of what you're feeling feels like...'re quite a funny thing.
I miss you too... but today I finally sat down and wrote your birthday letter. Pen and paper make me feel closer to you, if only just a little
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