November 18, 2009 candacemorris 6 Comments

I hate getting up.  I might be a bit notorious among my friends for waking up cranky...but I tell you my whole family is like this.  I am not sure what kind of happy annoying family you were raised in, but we Whitney's, we are late sleeping, non morning people S.O.B's.

Well, I married one of those happy annoying people, and he wakes up with a grin every.SINGLE.morning.  He has accommodated to my morning ritual of "please don't talk to me unless you have a cup of coffee in your hand for me," so he usually doesn't bother me.

You can therefore imagine my surprise when I awoke today to the saint pulling back our curtain window to shine the sun directly in my face.  Now, I have been getting up later than usual (which is already way later than the average person anyway), so I thought this was his sneaky way of waking me up to make him breakfast.  Alas!  It was not the case.

The goodly saint was waking his bride to reveal to her the season's first SNOW! I did not pop right out of bed, but I did snuggle back in with thoughts of snow and warm fuzzies.  After about 15 minutes, I got up, threw on my boots and toque, and headed outside for a few shots.

This is not a serious snow, but it certainly counts as snow and by god...I'll honor it because it got me out of bed before 10 a.m.  This is no small feat.

PS: Totally random and disgusting confession.  I made  a pot of coffee yesterday and didn't finish it.  So today I noticed it still sitting there.  Don't tell the saintly coffee and beverage snob, but I totally microwaved it and am now sipping on it.  It's gross, in a really good diner way.  Happy Wednesday!

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I usually have a little bit of coffee left in my mug at work and instead of rinsing it out I top it off with new coffee every morning. I am pretty sure there are quite a few molecules of 6 month old coffee in the beverage I am currently sipping.

Just wanted to share so that you can be assured that you have a long and messy Philistine descent before you reach the level of dirt kid.

Keep it classy.

BC said...

I knew there was a reason I didn't come out today.

As for the coffee, I'm a perpetual cold coffee drinker. I'll let a cup sit for hours, then walk back by the coffee table where I left it, pick it up and in an excitable voice say, "Oh, coffee!" and continue drinking it despite it's coldness.

Mr. Kooy,
Thanks for always being the plumbline of dirty so that I can feel eternally clean and shiny. Oh, and I just bought some Red Oval.

Yeah, we were thinking it would have been so shitty to work in the snow...but it's totally sunny and not cold here now. Cold coffee, yes...but OVERNIGHT?!!!!

UmberDove said...

Yes. BC would absolutely drink the overnight coffee. I can vouch for that. I would not. I'm too much like the Saint in my snobbery. I make no apologies for this.

In other news, I think I just got my favorite piece of mail from you EVER. Those three sentences were the very best.

See you in a couple hours (Beer me Baby!)

emilyclare said...

Ah that light patterning of snow is so magical... so faraway and foreign for me.

And... I think I move between the two morning moods; of sometimes being a spritely morning person (who gets up and goes for a walk , bakes bread and smiles at the birds), and being a "don't-talk-to-me-I-need-tea-and-breakfast" and finding a nice quiet, dark corner to do so...

As for drinking old beverages; I'm of the opinion that tea that has stewed in its pot for a day or two is even better with a splah of boiling water than a fresh one.

Michele said...

I'll drink coffee that has sat overnight in the cold coffee pot. I'm not picky. Actually, I am picky but not about that ... microwave, add sweeteners, add real cream ... yum!

On a sad note, my doctor tells me that I must stop drinking caffeine.

Stupid headaches.