the champion, the victor, the winner-s.
Ladies and Gentlemens
(well, the 3 men that entered, anyway),
(well, the 3 men that entered, anyway),
I have just performed a wonderful and silly act...that of placing several names written on goofy marketing stationary in a corporate compostable cup and choosing a winner for my bloggy birthday giveaway.
You know the prizes.
(Here is where I feel like Tyra Banks standing in front of 12 twiggy, bug-eyed beauties)
(not that you are either twiggy or bug-eyed, but most assuredly you must be a beauty!)
(but I digress)
The first paper-person clinging to my fingers as I draw them will get their choice of either some smashing earrings from Plume
(writer, photographer, silversmith, and bestie extrodinare)
a perfectly painted stone (i hear rumors from her that it might be an owl!!!!)
from the stunning UmberDovely
(writer, photographer, painter, textile queen, and bestie extrodinare)
(plus, they are both annoyingly beautiful)
and colorful.
i could go on and on.
(Here is where I feel like Tyra Banks standing in front of 12 twiggy, bug-eyed beauties)
(not that you are either twiggy or bug-eyed, but most assuredly you must be a beauty!)
(but I digress)
The first paper-person clinging to my fingers as I draw them will get their choice of either some smashing earrings from Plume
(writer, photographer, silversmith, and bestie extrodinare)
a perfectly painted stone (i hear rumors from her that it might be an owl!!!!)
from the stunning UmberDovely
(writer, photographer, painter, textile queen, and bestie extrodinare)
(plus, they are both annoyingly beautiful)
and colorful.
i could go on and on.
Our lovely Bisquit!!!
(love this saucy mountain lady, plus she's a remarkable source of encouragement and delicious jewelery!)
Kristen, email me and you get to pick from the two prizes.
Our soulful sister in Portland, Miss Resolute Twig!
(she's such a sweet soul, courageous as hell, and a lover of nature!)
(she has a great etsy shop too, if you're looking for handmade journals or gentle jewels)
Susie, I'll let you know what you've won via email and get it shipped out!
(she has a great etsy shop too, if you're looking for handmade journals or gentle jewels)
Susie, I'll let you know what you've won via email and get it shipped out!
Tyra says in a melodramatic voice, "I'm sorry, but you are no longer in the running to becoming America's Next Top Model."
Heidi says, "As you know, in fashion, one day yaw in, the next day yaw ouddtt.
I'm sorry, yaw ouddtt.
I'm sorry, yaw ouddtt.
Then you as the contestant cries and gushes about how much you appreciated the opportunity and you've had the time of your life.
No but seriously,
I was really impressed with the quality of your feedback. It not only made me feel as though what I do here (though totally started selfishly as an outlet for me) is meaningful to some of you, but it was also really fun to hear about the books and drinks you find most interesting.
I absolute write in order to connect my human existence with others, so if you find a resonating thread, I hope you act on it and send me an email or comment.
Because we all need to know that we are not alone.
It's kind of my tangent, my tirade, my mantra...
and authentic, kind relationships.
And this here blog is my way of continually reminding my lovely (though stubborn) independent self:
You need people.
You need friends.
You need love.
No but seriously,
I was really impressed with the quality of your feedback. It not only made me feel as though what I do here (though totally started selfishly as an outlet for me) is meaningful to some of you, but it was also really fun to hear about the books and drinks you find most interesting.
I absolute write in order to connect my human existence with others, so if you find a resonating thread, I hope you act on it and send me an email or comment.
Because we all need to know that we are not alone.
It's kind of my tangent, my tirade, my mantra...
and authentic, kind relationships.
And this here blog is my way of continually reminding my lovely (though stubborn) independent self:
You need people.
You need friends.
You need love.
That's all, my commerades.
Thanks ever so much for playing!

p.s. On a completely separate note, if you didn't get a chance to read through the comments, I think you will find an amazing source of BOOKISH recommendations. If you are at all looking for a riveting new read, please do connect with one of my amazingly smart followers and read their suggestions. I am probably going to make an excel spreadsheet of the books listed (because data collection is super sexy), so if you are interested, let me know and I'll email it to you.
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