Bowie meets...

August 08, 2012 candacemorris 5 Comments

Bowie has met several of her adoring fans this last week, including Aunt Kelly who came to stay for a week. We had a lovely time, and I have to say that it was wonderful just to have an adult home with me during the day.  Bowie is a fascinating person, but her conversation skills are a bit lacking.

Scenes from the week:

Joel's dad recently returned from Thailand where he and Jean stumbled upon a celebration where lanterns were sent up into the sky.  He bought one and all in attendance (Joel, myself, Kelly, Mom & Dad, and Aunt Julie and Uncle Tim) wrote a little note to Bowie and sent it into the sky.  I wish I had more photos of it (Kelly will hopefully share those), but Joel grabbed this one with his phone just before liftoff.  It was such an epic, memorable, truly beautiful moment - just the kind of ritual I crave in this life. 

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Looks like the most beautiful week! I think Bowie Yoda will stick with me the most though LOL

emilyclare said...

What a wonderful week indeed; makes my heart glad and full to see so much good company, food, embraces, garden... and that Bowie, is enchanting and seems so comfortable, so content in the arms of her loved ones xx

Snailentina said...

Lovely collection, so glad your bestie will be back in your neck of the woods. I've missed these recaps of you and Kelly.

Allisunny S. said...

That looks like a whole lotta loving.


You are too funny to put that hat on Bowie...something for him to see when he grows up : )