a really freaking good life

June 18, 2009 candacemorris 2 Comments

My sister has bestowed upon me the highest honor. I get to bequeath a middle name to my zygote of a niece, Lily. Come November, I will be naming my goddaughter.

The goodness of this lingers in my soul.

I have spent the last 18 hours in the company of my favorite red. Having had a wonderful lunch with my gals (minus two :( ), Jess and I wandered to a cheap mani/pedi. We have then spent the afternoon lazying around the house watching old reruns and crying. It's pretty normal for us.

The goodness of this lingers in my soul.

I have had truly intimate support sessions of women I cannot get over. I have spent time lounging around one of my favorite light-filled apartments and hanging with the souls that embody the cutest little feline bodies. I have eaten 5 oreos (TJ's non corn syrup version) and helped finish a bottle of rosé and spoonfuls of yummy gespatcho.

The goodness of this lingers in my soul.
And though I want:
  1. a baby
  2. a bookstore
  3. a brewery
  4. a belearn'd MA in literature
  5. a best-of-the-best writing and photography career
  6. a buxom chest
I have found that today...
I have a really freaking good life...doing really not much at all.


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Once I'm done working today, I'm going to set out to do the exact same soul feeding today. The sun has arrived, finally, after weeks of rain.

That big blue sky is a blanket.

Love love you like I want to spoil you rotten.

E.Louise said...

Is that the 'zygote' featured bobbing about the side of your blog?