A birthday gift

April 10, 2019 candacemorris 3 Comments

39 years ago today, an infant girl child saw the light seeping through the womb she'd known for many cozy months. Muscles shifted and subducted like tectonic plates, blood and hormones swished and swirled nosily, surely awaking this infant girl child from her creation slumber. It was time to move from this life to the next, from her human mother's belly into her human mother's hands. 

Kelly is 39 today, wherever she continues. She was a lover of birthdays, happy to celebrate her life. She often took to sunrise drives to some body of water or a hike to a tall vista to catch the very first rays of sun that marked the next go-round. Her next year. Her life. Oh, how she owned it. Today, in honor of her, I renew my vow to do the same. More owning, more celebrating, more watching the waves, more seeing it all from above.

Also, I made you a gift. Last night, I spent a few hours combing Kelly's online presence for her birthday posts, and I've put them all together for you with links (click on the dates below each photo). Please enjoy spending time with this medicine woman.

2017, age 37

2016, age 36

2015, age 35

2014, age 34

The rest are links to her blog:

2012: The Birth of a Day

2011: A Day in the Life: Birthday Edition

2010: The Day Umber Turned 30

2009: The Polls are Open and I had Great Hair

2008: Birthday Month

2007: Untitled, near her birthday

Happy Birthday, Babe. I shall see the salt water this morning and taste the goodness of a meal and the love of our women...in your fabulous honor. Forever.

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