A birthday gift

A birthday gift

39 years ago today, an infant girl child saw the light seeping through the womb she'd known for many cozy months. Muscles shifted and subducted like tectonic plates, blood and hormones swished and swirled nosily, surely awaking this infant girl child from herContinue Reading >

Best Of 2018: Music for writing

Best Of 2018: Music for writing

I need music to write. Music, I've discovered this year especially, makes all the difference in my ability to get into the emotion of what I am writing. (I'm even considering making a suggested playlist for each chapter in the book I'm currentlyContinue Reading >

Best Beauty/Skin Products of 2018

Best Beauty/Skin Products of 2018

Continuing in my "Best Ofs" for 2018, here is my recommendations for skin and makeup products that I fell in love with this year. I've been more focused on skincare (hello, 40!), so I did a lot of investing and testing. Here's myContinue Reading >

Best Books of 2018

Best Books of 2018

I'm feeling inspired to share some of my "Best Ofs" for this past year. I'll start with books! The fiction novel, "Freshwater" by debut author Akwaeke Emezi was such a thrilling story and imaginative concept, delightfully disorienting. What if several gods took up residence inContinue Reading >

The lasts

The lasts

Today is June 8. On this day last year, I sat at this very table in this very coffee shop. I awaited Kelly, who texted me 20 minutes earlier, "Hi you. Any chance you're free right now? I've just finished at the TummyContinue Reading >