i woke up to rain
The moment is over.
We are dressed now
Ready with lists and todos,
baby signs for more food
reminders to stop biting
But this morning
before the wee productivitybug
there was something different
in the morning je ne sais quoi
A particular gorgeousness
The light both bright and dark
We are creatures
of routine.
But there was no coffee.
So I made chai. It felt weird.
Sourdough toast, a promise
to start taking it easy on the butter.
I feel the busyness of people bustling off to a new school year and I want to scream that I too am busy, productive, worth more than the dishes I do and the meals I plan and the pesto-stained babycheeks I clean. But no one cares. This is up to me, entirely my job to ascribe meaning and find avenues within this new life of motherhood to walk down and still be me at the end of it.
And to find some friggen coffee.
A nod to fall on this August Morning when the clouds brought a shower to the parched West.
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