if you lived with me...

August 19, 2010 candacemorris 8 Comments

...then you might notice two of my following habits...and since I am feeling confessional today, I thought I would reveal them here.
I've begun this (I think) good habit of refusing to turn on my computer in the morning until after I've sat in quiet.  My house may not be quiet, but internally - I try to quiet myself.  This may include a pensive cup of coffee while staring out at the cedars, but it almost always includes journaling and reading.  Perhaps it's a lingering desire from my more religious days ("quiet time"), but  I find that without this sacred space, I am quite anxious and unfocused throughout the day.  This morning, I sat with the most delicious cup of Ethiopian coffee and read a few excerpts of Dillard...from both Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (my favorite chapter "Seeing") and A Writing Life.  I also journaled and had Carson and Rilke at the ready.  It is no formula for a good day, as even now - I still feel anxious to begin the day.  But I believe it to be a soulful practice.

Bobby Pins

I have this horrible (though Joel calls it endearing) habit of leaving bobby pins in my wake.  Joel has found them in bed even...and I don't go to bed with bobby pins in my hair, so I have no idea how they get there.

Afternoon Sun
Lying Around
If you lived with me, you might also notice that every afternoon, I get down on the floor and play with Clara.  I make sure to stick my feet in the warm light streaming through the windows.  I find a great release in simply lying on the floor, playing, daydreaming, watching my niece discover movement and shapes.

What would I notice if I lived with you?
Do share if you dare...

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Emily L. said...

I have the same bobby pin issue! I can never find any when I need them, until they show up in hoards in the wash or the fruit bowl...no idea...

You would see that I constantly run into things, with no memory of the collision.

You would see that I fall asleep on the couch with knitting in my lap and my cat as my pillow.

Maybe I should wake up earlier and try your morning rhythm...

You would see that before I sit down to work, I prowl around the house, changing my clothes, washing the dishes, visiting the plants, checking the mail, plucking my eyebrows, and finally, making tea.

You would see that I brush my teeth at odd times. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the nigh to do it, because I forgot before bed, and sometimes I do it at two in the afternoon, because I'm finally finished second breakfast.

Melissa said...

You can never have enough bobby pins in enough places! Mine are scattered everywhere, but it's quite handy to find them :) I don't think John finds that quite endearing.

Bookmarks, or my version of. I just can't fold my book corners or lay them spread out, upside down. Nope nope nope. The result is that like bobby pins, bookmarks are everywhere. A bookmark might actually be one that was purchased or possibly a note that was scribbled on, photos, and in desperation I may even use a receipt or movie ticket stub.

Cabinets open. Apparently I'm allergic to closing them.

Erin Morris said...

I have to take my pants off when I come home. I often times don't wear them in my apartment. Adam doesn't mind. You might...

Shantel S. said...
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Shantel S. said...

You would find that I feed our two dogs and one cat outside, I pour my coffee, and walk out to our garden to see the amazing growth that has taken place in the last 24 hours. (I'm still surprised at how fast a squash grows.) I then turn on the hose and watch our fountain-like sprinkler do its thing while I sip my coffee. I love summer mornings!

UmberDove said...

Seeing... that's seriously the best chapter. I think I've lost count of how many times I've read that specific one.

Hmm... what might you not know about living with me...

It's physically impossible for me to stay in the bathroom while brushing my teeth.

I let Thai ride around on my shoulders like some overgrown and furry parrot while I do mundane kitchen things like make tea and empty the dishwasher. Sometimes he'll ride around for upwards of ten minutes, just watching the scenery from the perch.

I leave water glasses everywhere. And then wonder why we never have vehicles for beverages in the cupboard.

Taddyporter said...

Oh those bobby pins, they are everywhere and our house is dark like a cave(1910 Craftsman)so they are very hard to spot until you step on them. and so totally amazing and random(or not): I was reading Pilgrim at Tinker yesterday afternoon and used a stray bobby pin to bookmark(now. I just walked to the backyard where I left my beloved book to make sure of this so I don't sound like I am imagining things)the chapter...........SEEING.

Well, I do believe birds of the same glorius feathers do flock together so I guess it is quite sensible. And if you were to spy a bit on the house of Taddy you would find me racing up to the park with my band of cats to get blood flowing(before my next client arrives)or in true Gemini fashion, I could be taking a very quick nap most anywhere(before my next client arrives). a hard life I have.........!