"i need oh-la--la-la"

September 18, 2008 candacemorris 7 Comments

happy wednesday eve.
nothing much happens on mondays and wednesdays, don't you think?
so when life brings me a chance to do something out of my normal structure and routine
i admit
i jump at the chance.
provided i have enough time to
for it.

Allison Goldfrapp.
If I had to die and come back as someone contemporary, it would be she.

"And what you thought you
lost was just mislaid
All the poems written in your skin

You know it
You owe it to yourself
You won't let it make you mad
It's already crazy"
a pre-show hydration

allison goldfrapp

vantage point #1

vantage point #2

  • i have never seen knobby knees look so sexy
  • i am in love with the childish way she taps only her big toe to the beat
  • i sneaked up mid-show to see about her shoe situation. no shoes. as it should be.
  • she seems slightly crazy and entirely ageless
  • "you're gorgeous....excuse me as i help myself to me mug of wine..."
  • i now want a spiral perm and a clown costume dress
(please do excuse the terrible quality of the photos. i have a knack for blurryfiying everything, according to a certain mr. clark. :) )

"Walk out into velvet
Nothing more to say
You're my favorite moment
You're my Saturday"

Sunset only seconds
Just ripe then it's gone
Got no new intentions
Just right then it's gone"

and with a spoonful of vanilla bean ice cream and a square of 75% dark chocolate, i am off to bed with hopes for dream of Seventh Tree. But I have to wash off this makeup first. and with that sentiment, i say welcome back, reality.

FIE. why can't the night last longer?


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she said...

posted exactly a minuit...just as things should be, only we don't need to tell this "should" to suck it. well okay, you can if you'd like.

i love concerts...especially amazing girl-crush concerts...i've seen imogen heap twice (softer core than goldfrapp, i think, but very eccentric nonetheless) and she pranced and bopped around the stage in the most childlike way. something wells up in my soul.

i...LOVE...the poster on the wall behind you in the first photo, as well as YOUR EYELINER. c'est merveilleuse!! (i don't know what gender the French assign to "eyeliner" but i'm going to make it feminine b/c i feel like it.)

you're right - what a perfect way to close out a wednesday and welcome a thursday. this vicarious thing is working quite well for me :)

oh lady bird of the she kind-
i am in the strangest, most delicious mood this morning. it's very strange. i will not analyze it.

BUT i think it has something to do with having spend the night napping from 6-8, grabbing lentil soup and a martini at 9, and then heading to a concert from 9-12. it was so low-key too - i get a bit anxious when it's somewhere i don't know, or if i am planning the event for more people, etc.

imogen - yes, she is just the sprietliest of ladies. i like her, but still prefer emilliana torini - of whom i feel was the subsequent to our beloved bjork. only sans swan dress.

love, words and frothy cappuccino milk,

BC said...

You don't 'blurrify' everything, just many things. ;)

UmberDove said...

Hhmmm, I am so glad for your night. I love that your schedule of events fit YOUR life and not someone else's, that Goldfrapp was a beautiful (and shy) soul, that you were inspired, that you had Joel to experience it with you.

I am happy for you, with you.

Its the moody gray skies talking today, my soul feels soothed.

- smoochies

p.s. promise me that if you give in to the clown dress desire it will a short one to show off those lovely legs of yours (and don't you dare cross me on this one, just remember the Betsy J. shorts!).

I want a perm.

After watching that short video I also want a clown dress with batwings.

What I wouldn't give for a night like THAT with my RW.

Thanks for sharing:)

You so do not want a perm. That made me giggle a quite satisfying giggle. Dress...yes...your legs...HELL yes!

tehhh heee,
my hairdresser tonight said NO PERM. and my favorite gay knows his business.

back to sleeping in rollers.