a date to daydream

June 15, 2011 candacemorris 2 Comments

cozythe living
grandmother's lamp

There are evenings when we decide that the very best thing for our preoccupied and exhausted minds is to take a night off from allowing media to distract us from fatigue
and instead decide to indulge in the pleasure and practice of

We leaf through our collectible books, maybe reading, maybe not.
We sip hot tea and speak freely of
lofty insignificance.

I'm teaching myself to be free of cares.
And he
as always
is right by my side.

To frivolity, boredom, and pretty books,

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UmberDove said...

Here Here!

p.s. when did you get so cool with your rollover buttons? fancy time...

emilyclare said...

so true about media distracting us from our fatigue and weariness... so good to take time out together to refresh the mind scapes.