novembre / décembre

December 03, 2007 candacemorris 1 Comments

Joel and I went on a 5th anniversary adventure to San Francisco and Monterey. We had ourselves a lovely time, full of very memorable occasions, dates, jokes, and catastrophies.

Joel constantly suprises me. He is unendingly selfless, adaptable, adoring, supportive, clever, and unique. As we shift from him being my centerdness to me being able to carry myself now (see last blog) - and creating my own happines - he has transitioned like a warrior and loved me fiercely. It's a lovely feeling to know that you are still so interested in your life mate - that your future together looks just as entertaining and interesting as it did when you first met.

Another gift came my way on the first day of December. Seattle gave us just the perfect amount of snow on a lazy Saturday. Everyone on Capital Hill was giddy and smiling at strangers - Kelly and I celebrated with a manhattan at lunch, coffee on the treck home, and a gorgeous evening spent with friends.

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UmberDove said...

Hooray hooray for snow and friends to celebrate it with! Saturday was a good day, made even better by the company.
I love that you feel such excitement for your future with Joel, and the twists and turns of life that you will share together. I feel that too, and what a blessing it is.